Labor Day is behind us. That means that the “fall season” is in full swing. We’re not referring to one of the four calendar seasons of the year (the Fall season officially starts on Sept 22), we’re talking about senior fall risk. We’re talking today about the risk of falls to your senior loved one under your care at home. Before we go on, realize that for any senior care question that you might have, we offer senior assisted living services and memory care support services and are ready to take your call anytime. OK, now on to senior fall risks and how to prevent them.
A fall can be life-changing, especially for seniors. We think it won’t happen, but falls remain the leading cause of injury and death among adults over 65. Whether it’s broken bones or a fractured skull, seniors are at high risk for orthopedic injury.
For the elderly, a fall can be much more serious than when it happens to a younger person. A senior can break a hip or develop a brain bleed with one fall. In fact, falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injury. Older adults are five times more likely to be hospitalized with a fall.
As we age, our skeletons change. Our bone quality and density begin to decrease. Starting as early as 24 years old, our reaction times also start to lengthen, meaning we can’t correct ourselves as quickly as we used to. Our sense of balance also fades with aging.
These changes caused by normal aging set up the perfect storm for injury.
How can one ensure the golden years remain golden when the risk for falling is high? If you or your loved ones are over 65, it’s time to consider “senior proofing” your home and theirs. Whether you are caring for a parent or trying to maintain your own independence, prevention is the key to keeping seniors safe. A few simple steps can help keep you and your loved ones safe.
Even with reasonable preventive measures, accidents can happen. If you are living at home alone or your partner can’t get to you quickly in an emergency, consider how you will be able to call 911 if you fall. Keeping a phone in your pocket or wearing an alarm device can be lifesaving.
If you fall, you will likely need to work with an orthopedic doctor and possibly a physical therapist. Together, they can help treat the injury and help you restore mobility.
At Gateway Gardens Assisted Living & Memory Care here in Winder, we know caring for an older adult brings joys and challenges. Our mission is to change the way the world ages. We provide seniors with quality care that enables them to live happier and healthier lives. Our services are distinguished by the caliber of our caregivers, the responsiveness of our staff and our expertise in Live-In care. We embrace a positive, balanced approach to aging centered on the evolving needs of older adults. For more information, contact us here at Gateway Gardens anytime!
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