We pride ourselves here at Gateway Gardens Assisted Living & Memory Care (Bethlehem) for helping more than our residents and their families. We take great pride in helping you, our neighbors here in Bethlehem who lovingly provide at-home assisted living and/or memory care services to your loved ones. Trust us, we know your challenges and consider you all heroes for your selfless and loving investment to family. Since we’ve officially entered the summer season, let’s address senior safety during periods of high heat.
Seniors are especially at risk in high heat situations. Large stretches of the USA are experiencing extreme temperatures at the moment. Caregivers need to check on the elderly. If you live in another city, lovingly devise a plan for a relative or other local person to check on your loved one.
Does an elderly person live in your neighborhood? Go knock on the door and ask how things are going. Do NOT accept the first answer. We all want to say, “OH, I’m ok, don’t worry.” The person may not realize they are suffering from heat exhaustion. Invite them into air conditioning, offer to take them to some air-conditioned setting. Sit in a hospital waiting room. Anything to get out of the heat for a while. Ask a senior to become an overnight guest.
Seniors need and deserve your special attention. We pride ourselves in pampering our dear residents with the special care and love they so rightfully deserve. To learn more about our approach to professional assisted living and professional memory care services, call us anytime!
© 2025 Gateway Gardens at Bethlehem
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